
The Worst-Case Cash Scenario May Save Your Startup

It’s funny how new startup founders tend to turn unlikely desires into certain facts. Frequently, they’re over-optimistic about a bunch of things, including their startup’s cash inflows. That reminds me of an old movie called “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989). In the movie, Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) is a traditional late 90s father/husband who just […]

Why Your Startup Needs Its Own Cash

Are your startup’s cash and personal cash being kept in the same pocket? In other words, do you manage your startup’s expenses and personal expenses under the same account/controls, etc? If you’re doing that, it’s time for you to change. Okay, I get it. You have a ton of things on your mind right now. […]

What Babies Can Teach You About Your Early-Stage Startup


Books, podcasts, mentors, blogs. They are great sources from where you can gain insights about how to lead your early-stage startup. But there is an even more powerful source of knowledge you’ve been missing so far: BABIES. Yes, babies. Although they are clueless about what’s happening around them, they carry a “key” inside their heads. […]

Prioritize and Optimize: The Founder’s Everyday Mission

Cash Management is the key to unlocking your startup’s potential. And the mission of wisely managing your cash is translated into 2 powerful orders: Prioritize and Optimize. To prioritize is to be effective. To optimize is to be efficient. But, wait. What exactly do these words mean? What’s the difference between one and the other? […]

3 Attitudes To Leverage Your Early-Stage Startup’s Cash

The way you manage your startup’s cash in the early days will directly impact your chances to succeed. By making the right choices, you’ll guarantee enough money to support your validation process and to find traction. By making the wrong ones, you’ll find yourself in a dead-end, with your pockets empty. In the next paragraphs, […]

9 Cheap (But Powerful) Steps To Get Your Startup Idea Going

Is “lack of money to launch my startup” your favorite excuse for not executing your business idea? Definitely, you must redesign your logic. Right now. Money is indeed necessary to build a successful business. But, not having enough money to build the whole business doesn’t mean you cannot start your execution. Actually, taking the first […]



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